Product Registration, Warranty and Returns Procedures


Eyetech-supplied products are warranted against defects of manufacture for 12 months from date of purchase on a return-to-base basis. In addition to basic warranty facilities, other support services are available to you from Eyetech after receipt of yo our Product Registration Card shipped with your goods. For the sake of clarification any defects in your A1200 motherboard or limitations imposed by accessories used with your A1200 which you have not purchased from Eyetech are not covered b by the product warranty, nor do they entitle you to a full or partial refund. In addition it is your responsibility to ensure that an adequate and properly earthed power supply is used which is capable of delivering the peak current requirements - at all l voltages used - of your A1200 and all simultaneously connected accessories.

Please note that we will need to have received your Product Registration Card - by post or fax - before these services are available to you as they give us details of your setup which help us to identify any difficulties that you are having, and sugges st a suitable course of action.

A1200 motherboard revision levels

When the A1200 was designed there were - as is common in designs of that complexity - some 'bugs' in the chip designs. Many of these were corrected by the time the main production runs started, but some were not, and in fact several bugs still remain i in the latest revisions of the AA chip sets.

The main production board issued in the UK - Rev 1.D.1 - had onboard provision for hardware workarounds to fix the main bugs, notably bus timing problems in the Gayle and Budgie chips. In general these boards work fine with most combinations of expansi ion hardware and are the boards which we use to test A1200 expansion products on before shipment.

The later revisions of motherboards - particularly the revision 1.D.4 and 2.B are a different story however. These boards revisions were designed to take corrected versions of the Gayle and Budgie chips - and therefore were designed without provision f for the earlier hardware workarounds. However, revised versions of the custom chips were never produced and as a consequence all but a few of the last of the AT/Escom manufactured motherboards were shipped without either bug-free chips or hardware workaro ounds.

In general these 1.D.4 & 2.B defects only make themselves felt when the A1200 is expanded by the addition of an '040 (or above) accelerator, high performance IDE hard drive/CDROM subsystems, Zorro slots or I/O expanders (PortPlus etc). Often any o one such accessory will work, but two or more will not work in combination. Typical symptoms are an accelerator exhibiting instability problems, a graphics card failing to be recognised or a CDROM failing to show disk icons.

In response to these problems, and in conjunction with Amiga International, Eyetech has developed a set of hardware modifications applicable to 1.D.4 and 2.B motherboards. These modifications bring the 1.D.4 and 2.B boards up to 1.D.1 specifications an nd result in the correct and stable operation of the A1200 with most permutations of performance-enhancing accessories. If you send us your A1200 motherboard (on its own or in its metal shield - but not in the A1200) we can undertake these modifications f for a fixed charge of £30 + return carriage. Alternatively we can make the modifications and fit and test your accessories at the same time - please ring for details.

Eyetech-supplied Amiga International Magic Packs

Like several other Amiga dealers Eyetech has been supplying Amiga 1200 Magic packs since the became available from Amiga International in late 1997. Where applicable these packs bought from Eyetech have had the 1.D.4 and 2.B modifications already carri ied out. There are however two design limitations on these Magic Pack computers which were not present in the earlier Commodore-manufactured A1200's. These are design limitations rather than manufacturing defects and the rectification of them - although u usually possible - is specifically excluded from all warranty provisions.

These limitations are as follows:

Please contact Eyetech if you experience these symptoms and would like to arrange for your motherboard to be suitably modified.

Technical support

Provided the Product Registration Card has been correctly filled in and returned to Eyetech within 14 days of your receipt of the product, the following support services are available from Eyetech:

Teething troubles

If having installed your Amiga accessory you find that it doesn't function as planned, you should:

Eyetech 100% test all Amiga products before shipment and guarantee A1200 products to work properly on a Revision 1.D.1 A1200 motherboard - the most common (and most stable) A1200 board sold in the UK - as well as with revision 1.D.4 and 2.B motherboard ds which have been modified by ourselves.

Should I send it back for checking?

If you still have no success and you believe that there is a defect with the product you have purchased you may request a Returns Authorisation Number (RAN) so that you can send the product back to us for checkout and/or replacement. You should ring, w write or fax the Eyetech technical support centre with details of your problem to request a returns authorisation number or - if appropriate - to arrange to have your Rev 1.D.4 or 2.B motherboard modified as described above.

Before contacting technical support you must have the following information to hand (it must also be included with any correspondence):

Organising a product return

The returns procedure works as follows: